Morning Worship 10:30 AM
Morning Worship 10:30 AM
Morning Worship starts at 10:30 am. Also see our service online on You Tube Belleville CFMC.
Morning Worship starts at 10:30 am. Also see our service online on You Tube Belleville CFMC.
Youth Group 6 until 7:30 PM at the church. Ages 8 and up. Email Carol at for details.
Prime Time (50 plus) Potluck. We will be encouraged by Katrina Sim leading us in some old hymns and the Salvation Army presenting us with some needs of the season that we can help with. Don't miss this great time of fellowship.
Prayer Meeting will be meeting at Aldersgate, 7 Aldersgate Dr. It starts at 6:30 pm in the common room. For those unable to attend please take time to pray in your own homes. Let’s unite for prayer in whatever form possible.
Morning Worship starts at 10:30 am. Also see our service online on You Tube Belleville CFMC.
Youth Group 6 until 7:30 PM at the church. Ages 8 and up. Email Carol at for details.
Prayer Meeting will be meeting at Aldersgate, 7 Aldersgate Dr. It starts at 6:30 pm in the common room. For those unable to attend please take time to pray in your own homes. Let’s unite for prayer in whatever form possible.
Morning Worship starts at 10:30 am. Also see our service online on You Tube Belleville CFMC.
Youth Group 6 until 7:30 PM at the church. Ages 8 and up. Email Carol at for details.
Prayer Meeting will be meeting at Aldersgate, 7 Aldersgate Dr. It starts at 6:30 pm in the common room. For those unable to attend please take time to pray in your own homes. Let’s unite for prayer in whatever form possible.
Morning Worship starts at 10:30 am. New Life Women's Home will be sharing. Also see our service online on You Tube Belleville CFMC.
The parade begins at the corners of Bridge St. W. and Sidney St. Moving down Bridge St. to completion at The Bayview Mall. We will have a float involved. Hope to see you along the route.
Youth Group 6 until 7:30 PM at the church. Ages 8 and up. Email Carol at for details.
Prayer Meeting will be meeting at Aldersgate, 7 Aldersgate Dr. It starts at 6:30 pm in the common room. For those unable to attend please take time to pray in your own homes. Let’s unite for prayer in whatever form possible.
Morning Worship starts at 10:30 am. First Sunday of Advent. Also see our service online on You Tube Belleville CFMC.
Youth Group 6 until 7:30 PM at the church. Ages 8 and up. Email Carol at for details.
Prayer Meeting will be meeting at Aldersgate, 7 Aldersgate Dr. It starts at 6:30 pm in the common room. For those unable to attend please take time to pray in your own homes. Let’s unite for prayer in whatever form possible.